Scorpio – Death (October 23 – November 21)
Scorpio is ruled by the Death card in the tarot. Death (XIII) is the thirteenth trump or Major Arcana card in most traditional Tarot decks. The Death card shows the Messenger of Death – a skeleton dressed in black armour, riding a white horse. The skeleton represents the part of the body which survives long after life has left it; the armour symbolises invincibility and that death will come no matter what. Its dark colour is that of mourning and the mysterious, while the horse is the colour of purity and acts as a symbol of strength and power. Fear not! This card doesn't represent an actual death Far from it: It actually expresses the power of transformation. You often shed your skin like a snake, seeking to release your spirit and be reborn.

Scorpio is a fixed water sign, meaning its emotions run deep and don’t change easily. But when they do, they cause an inner revolution. Just see how much water there is in the Death card! If you’ve been feeling emotional, or if your ups and downs have been extreme, don’t despair. When a deep wound is uncovered, many emotions come to the surface. Embrace your feelings without losing sight of your new commitment, and you’ll see the sun rise very soon.